He felt like he should decline the offer because of Eve’s health however Eve encouraged him to take advantage of the opportunity. The beginning of the traveling race season was rocky for Denny and his family. Denny was not doing well in his first few races and Eve was angry and scared when Denny was not home. It was very stressful for her to take care of Zoe and all other things by herself. Things for the Swift family were only darkest before the dawn. Soon, Eve began to get a handle on life, her health was surprisingly improving, and Denny achieved more wins than losses with his …show more content…
Denny tells him he is ready to come to work and asks why Luca made the offer. Luca explains that his wife passed away and he was helped by a coworker at Ferrari whom he respected and admired and he wished to help in this same way. The next day, Enzo dies in Denny’s arms. The story jumps into the future when Zoe is an adult and Denny has just won a Formula One race. Zoe, accompanied by a father and son, arrive to meet Denny. They ask Denny for his autograph and introduce the boy as Enzo. The boy says he is going to be a champion race car driver some day and Denny said he would be glad to give him lessons when he is ready to learn how to