1.) The Antichrist is extremely prideful, so is Trump
2.) The Antichrist is extremely boastful. So is Trump
3.) The Antichrist is full of deceit and lies. So is Trump.
4.) The Antichrist is full of flattery. So is Trump.
5.) The Antichrist is a schemer, plotter, secret deal maker. So is Trump.
6.) The Antichrist is slanderous. So is Trump. (Psalm 50:20)
7.) The Antichrist is hateful. So is Trump.
8.) The Antichrist puts on a false show of religion. So does Trump.
9.) The Antichrist has a fierce countenance. So does Trump. (Psalm 10:3)
10.) The Antichrist is completely self-consumed. So is Trump.
11.) The Antichrist seeks the worship of people. So does Trump.
12.) The Antichrist has no political/military background. Neither does Trump
13.) The …show more content…
He built a tower to reach heaven in Babylon to establish a name for himself. The people were one people. Antichrist will again rise in a time of new world order consisting of a one world government, religion and economy. Trump builds “Trump” towers all over the world and even tried to build the tallest tower in the world in the city many view as the modern day Babylon: New York City.
27.) Critics of a literal interpretation of prophecy mocked the idea that either a future temple in Jerusalem or an Iraq that is the commercial wonder of the world would be possible to build in such a short time. Trump is one of the most grandiose builders of buildings and commercial centers in the world. He boasts of building them QUICKLY. Central Park, NYC spent six years trying to renovate the Wollman ice skating rink. Trump stepped in and completed it in 4 months.
28.) Daniel 11:23 says the Antichrist will gain power with a “small people”. Trump has become the Republican nominee mainly through the support of simple uneducated folk, many of whom never voted previously. Trump was elected the nominee with 5% of the adult population in