Having autism was hard for her but in the same way it helped her. She had a good mother who pushed her to do better. “My mother had a really good sense just how hard to push …show more content…
Being categorized didn’t stop her from achieving her goals. “Some kids have very severe case of autism and won’t be able to work a regular job”(Grandin, Churnin). Temple says this isn’t true being autistic shouldn’t stop you from meeting your goals. Growing up in school with autism made her a visual thinker. Being a visual thinker means she thought in pictures, which was different from everyone else in school. Temple says “The tension between sameness and difference may lead us to categorized people” (Grandin). The main idea of Temple Grandin’s book was to understand and embrace conditions on the autism spectrum. Throughout school and being bullied was hard on temple but she had her mom to push her and her teachers who knew she was a bright person if people just gave her a chance. Being categorized as autistic helped her succeed, for her it wasn’t such a bad …show more content…
She wrote many books such as “Thinking in pictures”, “Animals in translation and, “The autistic brain”. “Thinking in pictures” and “Animals in translation” talked about and analyzed her visual thinking and what it might be like to be on the autism spectrum. When Temple was little she went to a therapist for her autism. For that reason she urged better therapies for children with autism. Grandin was very successful in her time she had a business called Grandin Livestock system inc. she designed livestock handling facilities throughout the United Sates and in Canada, Europe, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and more. North America has half of all cattle processing made by Temple Grandin (Grandin). Temples first invention was the squeeze machine, the squeeze machine helped her calm down. The squeeze machine was also used on animals as well. After that she became a famous animal scientist by having a deep closeness with the animals (Harris, Grandin). She designed a cattle ranch system and developed new equipment for handling livestock. She also had designed an objective scoring system for handling and stunning cattle and pigs. Grandin was very successful with her business and also published several industry publications, book chapters, and technical papers on animal