We define instant technology as resources including but not limited to instant messaging, texting, paging and social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube and any other information sharing services, websites and/or blogs.
The Internet and other information sharing devices are global entities with no control of users or content. Therefore, available resources may contain material of a controversial nature. The (ORGANIZATION NAME) is not responsible for information found on these sources. …show more content…
Therefore, no information, videos or pictures gathered while on (ORGANIZATION NAME) business (this includes emergency calls, meetings, drills, details, trainings or anything obtained on organization property or at organization functions) may be shared or posted in any format without the approval and written consent of the organizations Public Information Officer.
This policy is not intended to limit your right to free of speech or expression; but as we are a public entity, it has been put in place to protect the rights of this organization, its members and the public we are sworn to