Politician Hillary Clinton expounds that “one out of three African American men may well end up going to prison” (Hillary Clinton). This may not always be because these men have done something remarkably unlawful as such that deserves to go to prison. In fact, a lot of the time it is due to discrimination in our criminal justice seem. To elucidate the discrimination or unfairness in that specific system, it is simply classified as systemic racism. Described earlier with students of color, men of color can be found to be in more trouble for smaller actions than white men. “Very often, the black men are arrested, convicted, and incarcerated for offenses that do not lead to do the same results,” Hillary discloses (Hillary Clinton). She is correct, a man of color will presumably face more time in prison for a crime than a white man. The only reason of that is the color of the man’s skin. See, because he is black, he is suddenly more responsible (and apparently, more punishable by law) for his actions. Yes, it is true that one must have to face their consequences for their wrongdoings, but it should be done equally, no matter the race or skin color of a person. Awareness is an obligation that we need to take in order for justice, evident and civil justice, to be …show more content…
As a video source says, “No matter what else is going on in America...for the last 60 years, black unemployment is always about twice as high as white unemployment” (What is). This is not just because people of color are undergraduates or that they dropped out of high school and do not have an education, this is just because of systemic racism. Even college graduates (of color) find it difficult to get a job in their educated career. Black college graduates are in fact more likely to be unemployed as white college graduates (What is). How is that in any way fair, or ‘right’? Wouldn’t you want a fair chance at getting a job -career even- that you spent years of school in? Of course you would. You would not want someone to tell you ‘no’ just because your skin is a different color than