` Apart from this introductory chapter next main chapter in this dissertation under the title, “Symbolism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and lord Jim”
SYMBOLISM IN CONRAD’S HEART OF DARKNESS “A symbol was a verbal or a visual equivalence of subjective vision and reality envisaged by an artist” (45). Most of the modern fiction was especially characterized by symbolism and imageries. The modern novelist aims at the plasticity of sculpture, to the colour of painting, and to the magic …show more content…
According to Maupassant “a great artist sees the essential in everything”. (45) Conrad follows this view and he is concerned with the symbolic qualities of experience. He makes use of not only colour form and movement, but also shifts of perspective, stylistic and tonal variations and many other devices. In fact Conrad wants his readers to see beyond the merely illusive reality. Conrad’s symbolism in some of his important novel was to be discussed in this chapter.
Heart of Darkness is a highly symbolic story. Almost all the characters are symbolic. Kurtz, the main character, is the symbol of greed for gold, callousness, materialism and savagery of the colonizers.
Kurtz also symbolizes the instinctive the irrational and the evil hidden in the sub conscious of Marlow evil self what Marlow could have become had he stayed longer in the heart of darkness he had been without that devotion to duty which helps him to maintain his place. In the words