Throughout literature, symbolism exists as a pivotal tool in revealing the criticisms of the writers. Writes apply symbolism to their pieces in order to create deep connections with the minds of the readers so …show more content…
Intentions that seek to applaud or defame certain aspects of society or politics. Symbolism stands as an incredibly powerful tool in delivering themes and messages throughout literature.The symbolism of Blood is everywhere in Macbeth, constantly revealing new aspects of Shakespeare's grand scheme of inquisition in this work, from beginning to end. At the beginning of the timeless piece, the writer brings the audience to a harrowing battle between the Scots and the Norwegian Invaders. Plenty of blood is shed in these battle revealing the consequences of the unchecked ambitions to power. These ambitions revolve around political yearning for more power and social backing of these vain endevours. The symbolism of blood in Macbeth reveals Shakespeare's political and social criticism because it allows the reader to view these issues of power in a common theme. All human beings innately dislike violence and bloodshed because of the natural instinct of survival. This insitinct is