Sylvia Plath Bell Jar Analysis

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Plath’s poetry here, could be related to image of the “bell jar” by her contemporary researcher. The same stifling environment. Esther Greenwood, another of Plath’s heroines in her autobiographical novel , that narrates Plath’s twentieth year of her life, feels as though she is trapped “blank and stopped as a dead baby” (1972; 265). This image reminds one of the bottled foetus preserved in the laboratories.
By the end of the poem, the mother is stripped of all humanity, when the speaker persona states;
Ghastly Vatican.
I am sick to death of hot salt.
Green as eunuchs, your wishes
Hiss at my sins. (l.38-41)
The mother seems to have taken some non-human form that is sinister and wicked. As Claire Ramond

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