Putnam also rules out residential stability and homeownership associated with greater civic engagement because Americans currently are slightly more rooted residentially than a generation ago. Even though the transition of housewives to women workers was the biggest societal change in the last half century, data reports show working women spending more time in organizations, while nonworking women are less affiliated with extra circular activities. Putnam denies that increasing divorce rates and single parent households are mainly responsible for the disappearance of social capital because there still remain declining rates of club memberships for married couples. He also ignores the fact that state intervention is responsible for lower levels of engagement in civil society because government policies are not responsible for declining bowling and literary clubs’ memberships. Putnam disregards racial differences in associational membership because although white flight exists, blacks have been dropping out of religious and extracurricular clubs just as
Putnam also rules out residential stability and homeownership associated with greater civic engagement because Americans currently are slightly more rooted residentially than a generation ago. Even though the transition of housewives to women workers was the biggest societal change in the last half century, data reports show working women spending more time in organizations, while nonworking women are less affiliated with extra circular activities. Putnam denies that increasing divorce rates and single parent households are mainly responsible for the disappearance of social capital because there still remain declining rates of club memberships for married couples. He also ignores the fact that state intervention is responsible for lower levels of engagement in civil society because government policies are not responsible for declining bowling and literary clubs’ memberships. Putnam disregards racial differences in associational membership because although white flight exists, blacks have been dropping out of religious and extracurricular clubs just as