However, in any profession, there are barriers that stop team members from reaching their full potential. In health care settings, there are always going to be providers that are considered a higher power. Although conflicts may arise over leadership in teamwork, a continued focus on client- centered care advances teamwork and allows for leadership in any profession (Cowell, 2013, p.327). For example, a doctor may think a nurse within the team contributes ideas that are not helpful. This happens simply because a doctor is considered higher than a nurse. It is important to remember all members of the collaborative team are important, and one opinion is not greater than another. Each member can contribute valuable insight that would be useful for the …show more content…
Specifically, collaboration within nursing practice. Interprofessional practice among nurses would work best within palliative care. Palliative care involves making the patient as comfortable as possible before their life comes to an end. With that said, it is easier to construct a care plan with a team of health care providers working together. This means that health-care organizations need a model of care that will improve efficiency and effectiveness and reduce service delivery costs (Cashman, Reidy, Cody, & Lemay, 2004, pp. 183-196). More importantly, health care providers need to learn team work skills before they can improve the health care of a patient. Interprofessional practice can get complicated but with the right communication skills, ability to overcome barriers, and dedication, will only improve the patients overall