Equal Rights In The Workforce

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The issue of equal rights is serious and is one that has expanded throughout the United States over time. Equality applies to women gaining the same rights as men in such areas as equal pay, the ability to vote, and equal employment opportunities. In 1776, Abigail Adams, the first lady at the time, wrote to her husband John, "In the new code of laws, remember the ladies and do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands.” (Eis,1998) Abigail felt strongly that women should be regarded with the same respect and importance as men and should have the same power and rights as well. With just one quote, Abigail inspired women, to this day, to fight for what they believe in. There have been many movements and protests over the …show more content…
One example of this can be seen in women’s rights in the work force. Over time, women have been known to have their jobs taken from them by men in the business world. Throughout history, men have always had the better jobs, with women playing the role as clerk typists, secretaries, and administrative assistants.(Infoplease,2000) Employers had believed women weren’t fit to perform tasks that men could do because they believed women lacked the skills and knowledge based solely upon gender. Even when women did get hired, their employers did not give them the higher level, more experienced jobs such as various management positions. (Infoplease,2000) Although the issue has entered into modern day society, and has been mostly fixed with different laws and acts that provide women with equal rights in the workforce, inequality is still occurring in the U.S today. For example, Wal-Mart, America’s largest employer, has only 33% of female employees. This statistic shows how even the biggest companies still neglect women in their employment process. (Infoplease,2000) Equality for women in the workforce and obtaining female rights in the business industry are issues that have seen some types of reform in today’s society. However, we still have a way to go to enforce it in places that it should be. This continues to be one of the most controversial issues in the United …show more content…
A woman named Phyllis Schlafly, who is a constitutional lawyer is well known for her successful campaign that took place during the 1970’s era in which she tried to prevent the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. She led her campaign as the leader of the STOP era, which stood for “stop taking our privileges”. (Schlafly,2016) Schlafly opposed the Equal Rights Amendment and felt that it would take away gender-specific privileges. Some of these privileges include financial benefits received under social security as a “dependent wife”, separate bathrooms for men and women and exemption from the Social Service. (Schlafly,2016) In addition, Phylliss believes that the laws that are in the constitution for the sole purpose to protect women would be disregarded if the amendment was ratified. She feels that if the amendment got ratified, women would get the freedom but would be unprotected as a result. Phylliss also stressed that the Equal Rights Amendment would affect women in the sense that they could be forced into doing things not normally intended for their gender. (Ushistory,2008) For example, traditionally, the gender role for men is to go into war and fight while the women usually stay home and manage the family. But Phylliss stated that if this amendment is passed, the men-only positions such as soldiers in war, would now

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