Stress: The Effects Of Becoming An Alcoholic

Decent Essays
Stress is one of the things that almost every worker has had before. Typically stress comes from the boss pushing the workers or a big deadline. Every worker handles stress differently and most can deal with it without having too many issues. Having stress can have a long term effect on the worker health. Stress becomes a bigger issue when the worker can’t remove some of it and the stress starts to pile up. Some effects of having stress at work are being violent toward other, becoming an alcoholic, and becoming mentally unstable. The most common effect of stress on worker is becoming an alcoholic. Most people who have stress choose drinking to get away from their problems but as their problems keep growing the amount of alcoholic consumption becomes bigger as well. For example, a worker who has to write a report that’s twenty pages long and its due the next day plus he or she has to finish all of work on his or her desk. This person will mostly likely drink and as the workload keeps growing he or she will continue to drinking. Soon every time this person gets in a stressful situation he or she will start to drink even if …show more content…
This happens when the worker is so stressed out that a little intrusion will angry him or her. Most of the time the stressed out worker will yell at their coworkers. As the worker get more stress he or she might start hurting people at work or even worse at home. For example, a worker named Bob has some much stress at work that he yelled at his friend and his friend reported him to human resources. Now Bob got fired and he goes home. At his home his wife starts to yell at him for not paying a bill but since he had just been fired from work he gets mad at his wife and hits her. In the example the worker has some much stressed that a little argument might become a domestic violence case or even worse a homicide. Some workers get to this level and become dangerous to be around

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