Strengths And Weaknesses Of Qualitative Literature Review

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The methodology highlights the authors have used an interpretative phenomenological study as according to Neiswiadomy (2013) it examines the experiences of humans through the descriptions provided by the people involved. Scotland (2012) suggests using interpretive methods gives an insight and understanding of the individual’s perspective and experience. This is a key strength of the article, as it clearly states the rationale for the chosen method of using focus group interviews to obtain the data. The authors obtained the data from two focus group semi-structured interviews, selecting participants from pre-existing groups. Silverman (2014) highlights using selective groups as an advantage when undertaking qualitative research as
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This has often been as a result of qualitative research often being evaluated according to the criteria for reliability and validity within quantitative research. This essay has argued that both validity and quality are important, but that qualitative researchers should evaluate their research in relation to appropriate criteria. This is a key point that has also been made by the authors of this research …show more content…
The first key strength of the article is the authors’ awareness of the existing literature and their ability to effectively highlight the gap within the literature which their research question was based upon. Secondly, the methodology was another key strength as it clearly stated the rationale for the chosen method of data collection and how the method linked to the authors’ approach of an interpretive phenomenological study, highlighting both the strengths and limitations of the approach. Additionally, the authors provided evidence of how they overcame the limitations in order to provide validity and credibility of their findings. However, although the discussion of data section could be considered effective, as it was easy to follow and understand it could also be highlighted as an area of weakness within the article. The aim of the study to produce evidence of the experience and perspective of the teaching assistant was met, however, it could be suggested that it did not effectively answer the research question of if teaching assistants are value for money. Additionally, the authors suggest that the findings from the study will not have an impact on future practice due to its small scale, however, it could be considered that since the study is an academic research article, which will be read by others, it could therefore

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