Strawberry Spring And The Tell Tale Heart Analysis

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The definition unreliability is the inability to be relied upon or trusted. In these three stories: "Strawberry Spring" and "Tell Tale Heart" written by Stephen King and The "Yellow Wallpaper" written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman all three narrators are unreliable due to various mental illnesses. The narrators of The "Yellow Wallpaper" is a mentally ill woman who was living in a bedroom like prison cell. From the woman being so bored and trapped in her room, it had made her mentally ill so she wasn’t in reality.The women always see a women creeping at every angle. No matter where she looks she sees the women in the daylight watching her. She relates to this woman but can’t do it at night without suspicions. “It is the same women, I know, for she is …show more content…
At the beginning of the story, he tells the reader his reasoning and justifications for committing his heinous acts. “I loved the old man. He had never wronged me” (Poe 1). While he claims to feel warmly toward his ward it turns out that he kills the in cold blooded murder. It is impossible to believe that he truly capable of love. He watches the old man waiting for him to sleep, but the old man never lies down. He just sits up and groaning and his heart gets louder and louder to the caretaker. “I knew that sound well, too. It was the beating of the old man’s heart” (Poe 4). He’s waiting for hours for the old man to sleep so he can kill him. When the old man won’t sleep he finds a new plan. The narrator devised a plot to kill the old man to rid him of the old man's stare and creepy gaze. Each of the narrators, in the three stories are unreliable because they suffer from mental illnesses. Whether it be murdering people or believing wallpaper is alive all of these people are suffering from diseases and deserve proper help and care. Mental illness is a serious issue and if gone untreated can lead to many bad

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