Illegal Immigration Stereotypes

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Illegal immigrants in America are dealing with a more prevalent threat of being deported due to the stereotypes implemented by ignorant people who believe illegal immigrants are all “murderers, rapists and drug dealers”. I will provide concrete evidence to determining if theses stereotypes are justified or just invalid.
In the case of crime stereotypes dealing with illegal immigrants we only hear of the ones which tend to deteriorate the community. Groups of Individuals like Latin gang members or drug cartels help personify the stereotypes ignorant people categorize immigrants with, which does not assist them in their circumstances. For example men like Juan Franco Lopez-Sanchez, was being charged with first-degree murder in the shooting
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The disparity in incarceration rates has existed for decades, as evidenced by data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 decennial census. In each of those years, the incarceration rates of the native-born were anywhere from two to five times higher than that of immigrants (Nowrasteh, 2015)” According to professional Alex Nowrasteh the immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity. This clearly shows the truth that illegal immigrants do not contribute to crime in America like people perceived them to as a problematic situation in reality America should be more preoccupied on their own people instead of putting the blame on increased crime on illegal immigrants just trying to pursue the “American …show more content…
One reason is the reporting to immigration services and illegal immigrants trying risky methods to receive there documentation for their residence which usually results in there deportation if caught. I know first had about the topic of deportation because my aunt was deported back to my country and separated from her family because she was married to an ex-convict years ago but it effected here once her name came up on a record case. She was completely innocent she never knew about his criminal past until the moment they stripped her from her kids and sent her away never allowing her the opportunity to return. When this occurred it struck me dearly because she was like a mother to me, now I might not able to see her ever again until I return to my country. I could only imagine how her children my cousins are dealing with this tragic separation especially since they had to relocate to Texas where they went to live with their step-

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