On this date worker visited the home of Mr. Gene Brown, for the purpose of making first victim contact. When worker arrived, Mr. Brown was in bed watching TV. He stated his son is his primary caregiver but he was recently arrested in Adamsville on drug charges. Mr. Brown stated he had been home alone for two days. The home was cluttered but did not present an odor.…
The facts of Miller v. Alabama include a fourteen-year old named Evan Miller who beat and robbed his next-door neighbor, Cole Cannon. The date of the incident, Miller and his co-defendant, Colby Smith, went to Cannon’s home in search of drugs. When they found no drugs, they stole baseball cards and returned to Miller’s home. A few hours later, both Miller and Smith returned to Cannon’s home. Cannon was unconscious due to drinking and smoking, at which point Miller took $300.00 and Cannon’s driver’s license from Cannons wallet.…
In the Cantwell v. Connecticut case, Newton Cantwell and his two sons, Jesse and Russell, were convicted of two crimes that breached the Connecticut state law. The Cantwells were members of the Jehovah’s witnesses and claimed to be ordained ministers, due to their religious practices they believed that it was their duty to carry their messages to others. In order to spread their message, they carried along religious materials such as pamphlets, records, books, and also had a record player that played a recording called “Enemies”, which expressed Anti-Catholicism. The initial issue in this situation is the neighborhood the Cantwells were promoting their religion, Cassius Street of New Haven, is a heavily populated with Roman Catholics. Jesse Cantwell…
Student protestors of Gallaudet University presented the Gallaudet University Board of Trustees with four demands: 1. The resignation of the newly appointed university president Elizabeth Zinser, a hearing person, and the selection of a Deaf person as the universities president. 2. The immediate resignation of Jane Basset Spilman, who was chair of the Board of Trustees. 3.…
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke Rose, 3 Regents of the University of California v. Bakke: Affirmative Action and Racial Quotas Abby Rose Liberty High School 3AB The famous court case of Regents of the University of CA v. Bakke has been a controversial court case dealing with affirmative action. Affirmative action usually is defined as special privileges or policies that favor a minority group or race. Even though the defendant, Allan Bakke, may have scored higher than some of the minorities that applied, he still did not get in because of his skin color. The university was picking students based on a racial quota, and the white quota for the university was met, that is why Bakke did not get accepted.…
Furlow, 04-CV-5887 Our File No. 5-987 Statement of Facts: John Brown sued his dentist, Dr. Thomas Furlow, claiming he was injured as a result of Dr. Furlow’s failure to extract an infected tooth on August 3. John Brown ignored Dr. Furlow’s recommendation to return because his tooth was infected. Mr. Brown then went on vacation and while on vacation he passed out due to infection, pain, and the infection spreading. Mr. Brown incurred medical expense and loss of wages. Furlow was served with a complaint on March 1.…
Context of the Case: King v. Burwell, 576 U.S (2015), was a judgment made by the United States Supreme Court, explaining the provisions of the ACA (Affordable Care Act and Patient Protection). The decision of the Court was upheld and confirmed, as consistent and well aligned with the statute, the money of premium tax credits to supporting the persons in all the states, both those with exchanges directly established by the state, and those oppositely made and implemented by the Department of Human Services and Health. The Supreme Court of United States made a decision unanimously in the case of King v. Burwell, which was delivered in detail on June 26th, 2015. The court got the evidence that subsidies, which are under the ACA can be delivered for insurance of health, purchased through the exchanges that are established and run by the federal government, despite the law restricting and discouraging such kind of subsidies to insurance purchased through the exchanges made by state government.…
Discrimination and racism are both things that happen a lot in the world today. Back then in the late 1800’s and mid 1900’s it was worse because people were actually separated by their race and skin color. Plessy v.s ferguson and brown v.s board of education are both really important cases that have impacted the future and changed the world for the better. Plessy v.s ferguson took place in 1890, when there was the separate car act. That act did not allow blacks to sit with whites all across Louisiana.…
In 2013, Shelby County v. Holder struck down the coverage provision of the voting rights act. This provision required state governments in areas that historically disenfranchised voters to require federal preclearance for changes in voting laws and practices. Since this decision, a variety of states have passed or are in the process of passing voting laws targeted to disenfranchise minorities that typically vote in patterns contrary to their self interests as legislators. This case, and the resulting voting laws that were passed in its wake, is the problem that is most important to me in our current political environment.…
California v. Greenwood: Case Brief California v. Greenwood established that items set out in a public space and which are available for the public to inspect are not granted the Fourth Amendment right to require a search warrant before searching or seizing that property. Facts Police Officers in Laguna Beach were conducting a drug trafficking investigation. The target of the investigation was Billy Greenwood. During this investigation the Laguna Beach Police Department asked the trash collector of Mr. Greenwood's trash to place it separately from the other trash they normally picked up.…
Throughout the mid-18th century, the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision became a key contributing factor in the separation between the Union and Confederacy going into the American Civil War. With the conflict of proslavery and antislavery groups fighting for new states, this choice became a debated topic within the detached United States for the effect it had in the slavery legal and economic system. Riots transpired and differences between political leaders and Court justices arose as the decision was made. Historical documents, like the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the U.S. Constitution, were used within this court case by Chief Justice Roger Taney to lead towards the defeat of Scott.…
Analysis of Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education (2005) Level of Court: United States Supreme Court Facts: Roderick Jackson was hired in 1993 by the Birmingham Board of Education to teach physical education and coach girl’s basketball. During Jackson’s employment he felt that school policy provided unequal accommodations and unequal funding for the girls teams. His complaint fell under Title IX. Title IX is part of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination based on sex in any educational program. The law specifically states, “ No person… shall, on the basis of sex, be … subjected to discrimination under any education program…receiving Federal financial assistance.”…
Good morning. My name is James Davis, and I am the prosecutor representing Jane Smith, age 36 of Raleigh, North Carolina. Our honorable judge, I trust that you will engage in the entire judging process in a rational, complete way, just as you would as the chief evaluator of any other case under your jurisdiction. After applying relevant rules and significant precedents to our current case, you will undoubtedly arrive at a solution where you will inevitably side with either the husband, the wife, or remain neutral and keep the government out from locked doors and closed curtains. Bear in mind, however, that many precedents in the past may look the same on paper, but are vastly different from what we are due to discuss in this particular courtroom.…
The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments were established to protect the rights of the suspected, the accused, criminal defendants and that of convicted criminals. There have been several instances of the course time where these protections of rights haven’t been upheld. An example of when these protections of rights have been neglected is the Powell v. Alabama in 1932. There are several things that made this particular case so different from that of other cases. The time period, the series of events in the case, and the doctrines that were established during this time period are just a few to mention.…
In a Democracy it is important to have frequent elections where all adults have the availability to participate. Until recent history the United States had mechanism put in place where some groups of society had multiple obstacles. Mechanisms like poll tax and literacy tests were given to reduce the number of minority voters. Individuals were even disfranchised and had no capability to vote. Devices and mechanisms able to break the burden of disfranchisement had first began in 1965 when a group of peaceful marchers traveled to Selma, Alabama, to the state capital of Montgomery to push and promote legislation for the creation of new voting rights legislation.…