Starbucks Informative Speech

Improved Essays
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the comparison of rental prices in different neighborhoods of New York City.

Central Idea: The two boroughs of New York City-- Manhattan and Brooklyn have their own characteristics which make their rents so different.

I. During the process of looking for a suitable apartment for myself, I found there is a big difference of the rental prices in different neighborhoods of New York City.
II. According to Zumper’s National Rent Report “America's 20 most expensive cities for renters”, New York City ranks No. 2 on Zumper's list with the average rent for a one-bedroom here is $3,100 a month.
III. There are five boroughs in New York City-- Manhattan,
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West side ( Transition: Now let’s turn to the other borough-- Brooklyn. )

II. Brooklyn is the most populous of New York City's five boroughs. A. According to Elliman’s Report Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens Rentals in Mar-15 2015, the average rental price of Brooklyn is $3231. B. There are more than 30 neighborhoods in Brooklyn. 1. The rents of those neighborhoods which are close to Manhattan Downtown are expensive, those far away from Manhattan Downtown are cheap. 2. Based on the report from Curbed Rents in Brooklyn and Queens Nearly As Pricey as Manhattan, four Brooklyn neighborhoods have surpassed the median Manhattan rent: Dumbo, Williamsburg, Cobble Hill, and Downtown Brooklyn.

I. Overall, the rent in New York City is expensive.
II. What makes the rent so high-- Supply and Demand.
III. Consider your budget, the transportation, and living environment when you rent an apartment.
America's 20 most expensive cities for renters. Business Insider. Web. 27 Oct. 2015
Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens Rentals. Elliman Report. Web. 27 Oct. 2015
Rents in Brooklyn and Queens Nearly As Pricey as Manhattan. Curbed. Web. 27 Oct.

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