Spread Of Communism Dbq

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“To the defeat of Nazism, the British gave Time, the Americans gave Money, and the Soviet Union gave Blood.”(Joseph Stalin). Despite their joint efforts during World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union developed a rivalry over their different economic systems. Those systems, communism, and capitalism led to main disagreements between the two countries. Those disagreements led to the nuclear arms race, where the US and the Soviet Union races to produce the greater number of nuclear bombs, and to the race for space, where both countries raced for dominance in space. The US began to use the policy of containment to end the spread of communism, while the Soviet Union pushed to further spread it. Any alliances between the US and the Soviet …show more content…
Many of those actions, whether completely intentional or not, helped to secure the US’s position during the Cold War. In 1948, President Truman proposed to send $400 million in aid to Turkey and Greece, to help them rebuild but also to prevent them from becoming communism, as part of his Truman Doctrine. President Truman believed that by doing this, the US would prevent Turkey and Greece from the misery and poverty communism would have brought (Doc. 2). The Truman Doctrine was mainly focused on aiding Turkey and Greece, while the Marshall Plan offered aid and money to any country, so long as they refused to turn communist. Another such action is the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO (Doc. 4). NATO ensured that if the Soviet Union attack the US, many other countries would also go to war against the Soviet Union. NATO also helped to prevent the possibility of an attack (Doc. 4). The Soviet Union took part in a different alliance called the Warsaw Pact. These alliances looked quite a bit similar to the entangling alliances in World War I. Entangling alliances are when many countries allied themselves with each other, cause countries to go to war over an event that was almost insignificant to them. While going to war with the Soviet Union was a risky strategic move, the US still took action against communism. The US went to war in Vietnam, to attempt to prevent communism from spreading into Southeast

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