The Southern Leopard frog is native to the United States in the eastern region, and contains two subspecies currently: R. s. sphenocephala (found in the peninsula of Florida) and Rana s. utricularia (found throughout the remainder of the ranges for the species) that are defined based on morphological differences. (Newman 5297). This frog finds habitat in shallow freshwater and …show more content…
There has been a large reduction in populations due to the destruction of wetlands/habitats, human development, and the pollution of water introducing climate change and infectious diseases (Rollins-Smith 111). Recently, there have been three pathogens associated with amphibian declines globally: ranaviruses and two species of chytrid fungi from the genus Batrachochytrium (Rollins-Smith 113). “Ranaviruses are aquatic DNA viruses that target a number of cell types causing necrosis and hemorrhaging (Rollins-Smith 113).” This virus leads to mortality in larval stages and susceptibility varies by species. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a chytrid fungus infection confined to the skin causing chytridiomycosis, leading to an imbalance in the necessary ions for respiration resulting in death due to cardiac arrest (Holden). The skin is important for gas exchange and water uptake. The ranavirus infection is a systemic infection affecting numerous organs, while Bd infections only affect the skin that of which the Southern Leopard frog has a resistance to. This resistance is believed to be associated with their “protein-rich diet” that consists primarily of live insects and other invertebrates and occasionally small vertebrates (Rollins-Smith