An Analysis of: Billy Collins Sonnet “All we need is fourteen lines, well, thirteen now, and after this one just a dozen to launch a little ship on love 's storm-tossed seas, then only ten more left like rows of beans. How easily it goes unless you get Elizabethan and insist the iambic bongos must be played and rhymes positioned at the ends of lines, one for every station of the cross. But hang on here while we make the turn into the final six where all will be resolved, where longing and heartache will find an end, where Laura will tell Petrarch to put down his pen, take off those crazy medieval tights, blowout the lights, and come at last to bed.” The sonnet, “Sonnet”, by Billy …show more content…
The sonnet has two quatrains and one sestet which is neither typical for a Shakespearean sonnet, nor for a Petrarchan sonnet, but makes it a mixture of both forms. There are no familiar rhymes throughout the poem. There are neither full rhymes, nor eye rhymes at the end of the lines, therefore there is no rhyme scheme in the sonnet. One internal rhyme can be found in lines thirteen and fourteen (tights
& lights). In this Italian sonnet, the rhyme scheme is a fixed ABBAABBA in the octave, and CDECDE in the sestet. “To launch a little ship on love 's storm-tossed seas, “(line 3), meaning if you put yourself out there for someone specific, you could get emotionally hurt. It doesn’t feel good when you love someone, and the feeling isn’t mutual. The first time Collin’s uses imagery, you can imagine a little Jon boat, trying wretchedly to find his/her way around the sea of love, while a storm is overhead. Line 4 also uses imagery, “… ten more left, like rows of beans”. Collins starts by saying all you need in a sonnet is fourteen lines, then thirteen, then a dozen. Collins is using imagery to describe the structure of a sonnet, by comparing the lines to rows of beans. The octave 's objective is to introduce a problem, reflect