Social Media Being Expelled Research Paper

Decent Essays
Arayah Sims
Editorial Assignment

Should what you say on social media be grounds for getting fired from work or expelled from school? Yes, they should get fired and expelled because you can’t go on the internet talking about people you doesn’t know who watching you. Social media is making people lose they jobs because they be posting stuff on social media and they be thinking don’t anybody be paying attention to them but the people at their job be watching what they are doing another reason they school be getting expelled from school kids like to bully other kids o n social media they expose them and the parents or staffs never know because the children be to scared and ashamed to say anything about It.
Social media can cause allot of problems in people lives. When you out away from your family you can use social media such as facebook to get in touch with them. In now society people you social media for communication and to meet new people. According to Jebby “Social Media affects a person’s life because soon after they have started using them the soon start getting addicted and then bullying occurs and then people get upset, so on so forth”(Jebby). Sometimes people take advantage they go on social media and post naked pictures about people talk about them bad and take advantage of them this is why some of the young people loose their life is to social media. People shouldn’t do that because
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They main websites they be on are snap chat, Facebook, twitter, and instagram. You shouldn’t ever want to post anything bad on social media because they going to make fun of you and talk about you it’s going to be embarrassing so you should post things on social media. This is why when you have a job they get on social media such as facebook and everything and check your background to see have you been posting negative

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