Snoqualmie Tribe Essay

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The Snoqualmie tribe is a Native American tribe that lives on the Pacific Northwest coast in Washington. They make the largest group of people in the coast. In the past, they occupied the area of Puget Sound, they were hunters and gathers they hunted deer, fished for salmon and gathered berries. Their name is associated with the Snoqualmie fall that is their tribal shrine and this is where the tribe associates its birthplace. In 1999, they received federal recognition by the United States. The president had ratified the treaty of point Elliot earlier on but the tribe was not enjoying full rights as United States citizens. It was until 1999 that they were given the authority of owning land in Washington. The Snoqualmie tribe had major significances …show more content…
They saw this region as a new world with things they had not experienced before but things that were old to the American Indians. The American Indians, were the Americans to settle in the continent they had stayed for more than 5oyears they arrived in groups. As they lived in the new climate they decided to adapt to living in it, they enjoyed doing their things their way (Joe, 2014). When the European arrived and got into contact with the Native Americans, their lives changed. They brought with them new diseases, and some length of hidden enmity for the Snoqualmie, fortunately the Europeans managed to kill a good number of the American Indians who had no immunity. Some of the diseases they brought include smallpox, measles chicken pox and influenza. Through direct contact with the explorers, the diseases were transmitted from the Europeans to the Indians who later transmitted the diseases to one another as they traded. The impact of the contact with the Europeans was so bad that all members of a particular village died (Joe, …show more content…
The impacts of the exploration cannot be ignored since this changed the lives of the first Americans. Some of the positive impacts include the change of lifestyle, from being a tribe of hunting and gathering to a tribe that could trade with others and exchange goods. Despite the diseases coming along, some members of the tribe managed to survive the illness and gained victory to their names. It is important to acknowledge that the Indian culture took a new shift of events that helped the early Americans to grow. The tribe unlike other tribes managed to go through slavery and the control of the Europeans but endured the whole situation and managed to defeat the Europeans at their own game. The Snoqualmie is recognized for being the eight enduring and proud tribe in the world (Ketchum,

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