The most important aspect of a horror film is whether or not it evokes fear from its audience. Unfortunately, Sinister fails to produce the hair-raising, nail-biting, and heart-pounding content that horror movie junkies crave. One thing that adds an eeriness to the …show more content…
From the moment the film begins, audience members can predict that whoever is filming the murders has to be sick in the head or just outright possessed. Within twenty minutes of the movie, it is easy to figure out not only why the murderer is committing heinous crimes, but who the murderer is. Discovering who the killer is before the popcorn is even close to being finished is a telltale sign that the plot needs work. The movie picks up with Oswalt’s discovery of the gruesome home videos that have eerily innocent titles. Unfortunately, Oswalt’s choice to slowly pick the films apart leaves the audience members feeling a little bored. His long, amateur investigation acts more as superfluous fluff than an interesting addition to the story. With a weak foundation and predictable ending, Sinister’s plot leaves more to be