Should We Do To Stop Poverty In America?

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Poverty is everywhere. Wherever you turn, you can see people fighting over shiny things that they think they could sell or money they find on the road or on the ground. If you really do listen, you can only hear the distress of people around you. What can we do to stop poverty and its struggles?
Poverty affected people are in danger. Since they don’t have anything that they need to survive, like food and clean water, and clothes, some of them just die on the street. For instance, most people with poverty are in places that aren't as wealthy as America, so they have less poverty than the people in America. Everyone should be wanting to help solve this worldwide crisis. Most people ignore the people next to the road with a cardboard sign telling their story and why they need help. Imagine if that was you on that busy street begging for money. People who are in the upper classes seem to disregard the people that they see almost every day on purpose, which is not really the best way to solve this major problem.

Even though poverty has problems, there are solutions, too. One solution is that we can offer more
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So poverty is a huge problem out there, but there are some solutions to it, though. Everything has a cause and effect, which, altogether, means poverty has one, too. For example, the problem stated that because America is one of the richest country´s, it has less poverty than other poor countries. Since America is such a wealthy country, that means it has the money to help others, if we start sharing instead of monopolizing. This will help get others what they need to survive in this universe. Throughout all of this research, I figured that this should be a problem that everyone should solve. There are many people worldwide who suffer because of the shortage of needs every, single

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