Shooting Stars Carl Ann Duffy Analysis

Improved Essays
Regarded as a brilliant portrayal of the holocaust, offering a peek into the human suffering with compelling themes of Horrors,, Bravery and humanity. 'Shooting Stars' by Carl Ann Duffy is a shocking and disturbing monologue. It is cleverly narrated through Duffy, as she adopts the persona of a suffering Jewish woman, that endured torture and untimely death at the hands of the Nazis. Duffy uses effective techniques to further our understanding of the poem.

We are instantly shown of the horror inhumanity to man “After I no longer speak” Here Duffy creates a voice from the dead, it creates a sense of finality to this line. The use of “I” creates a sense of acceptance for the inevitable, knowing that she has no other outcome but death. The image of brutality is furthered “they break our fingers” this increases the onomatopoeia effect of snapping bones. The use of “salvage” is normally associated with saving something of value but here it shows the greediness of the Germans. At this point juxtaposition has been developed to create conflicting images as the “wedding band” is a symbol of love but at the moment the ring is valued more than life itself.

As the the poem further develops Duffy creates an endless list of names with no punctuation
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What could have been her last words “Turn thee Unto me with mercy, for I am desolate and lost” she is turning to God to answer her prayers but they are ignored.

In conclusion, “Shooting Stars” is an extremely memorable poem because of how it explores Human issues of the Holocaust. The sharp changes between each one graphically highlights the horrors,bravery and humanity the Jewish lady had to endure. Duffy use of repetition and techniques are effective as it ensure that the reader shares her last moments of

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