Code of ethics in business was first introduced back in the 1960’s as there were concerns in moral behavior of those entering their organization (DeSensi, 2010). A code of ethics are the suggested course of behavior or conduct that businesses, institutions in government and education, sporting teams, athletic organizations, religious groups, physicians, those that practice law and many other professional organizations, follow to ensure the integrity of the organization (DeSensi, 2010). Courses in ethics has now become part of the established curriculum for many professions today as the leaders within them have deemed the importance of properly training leaders and employees in ethical behavior (DeSensi, 2010). Furthermore, …show more content…
Hence, a code of ethics is the blueprint to what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable in an organization (DeSensi, 2010). The code of ethics that my chosen leader follows, lines up with the code of ethics I choose to lead and live by. By adding value to other coach’s lives is to be in a situation to influence. My chosen leader has added value to my life by taking genuine interest in what my goals and aspirations are. Hence, this interest has developed into a role of mentorship in which he can now influence his code of ethics of honesty, conduct your business with integrity and transparency, do what is best for the team, and respect your fellow peer’s differences. Furthermore, he is consistently providing the tools and materials in order for me to be successful. Thus, I have come to respect his opinion, even when may not agree, and make the necessary changes in how I conduct my business to fall in line with the organizations code of …show more content…
The head coach said yes, and there would be no other discussion as he is the head coach and all decisions are final. The moral and ethical dilemma that I faced was do I report this to the athletic director, other board members, other coaches or just do the best job I could under the circumstances. Furthermore, I had vested interest in the program as my son was a junior varsity player and wanted to have the privilege of coaching him in high school. Personally, I was thinking not to challenge the situation as I did not want any retaliation towards my son as he was a starter on the junior varsity. I knew that the decision that was made by the head coach was not ethical to the standards that we has a team would expect our young men to live by. With that, I reengaged my conversation with the head coach about how unethical it was for us to make personal decisions based upon a parent’s ability to donate money to the school. The head coach’s reaction was very short and brief who shared that if did not like how he conducted his team I could