Deanna Baker
Ethics codes comparison paper
Confidentiality, teaching and training, and community standards
Ethics codes comparison paper
A code of ethics is the heart and soul of any business or organization. The standard in which all business and certified activities are measured in the code of ethics of its memberships. The ethics code is a guide to how members should act in while performing their duties and obligations. As well also served as a basis for disciplinary actions for members as well as protection against unlawful accusations. In order to function effectively, each member will have to understand and abide by the code of ethics …show more content…
Both understand confidentiality and trust are the Foundation to treatment and protection for the clients. Members must keep all records secure and in compliance with HIPAA and allowing only authorized Personnel having access to them. Written Consent must be given in order to release confidential information and documentation unless if an emergency exists, then verbal consent will be enough to release information. In both codes of ethics, the provider of services is required to contact the authorities when there is a clear and imminent danger to the client or two other persons. Only pertinent information is given to emergency or medical personnel directly involved in reducing the danger or threat. Another comparison between the two ethics is that both require permission from the client before consulting other professionals about their case. The American Counseling Association and the National Association for alcoholism and drug abuse counselors value the confidentiality that is provided to all clients for their …show more content…
The ACA code services five main purposes that include supporting the mission of the ACA establishing principles of ethical behavior, to clarify the nature of counselors, ethical responsibilities, to serve the clients and the profession, and lastly to process at the Go complaints and inquiry is made against members. The NAADAC code has nine provisions on a wider spectrum of responsibilities that include client relationships compliance with the law, non-discrimination, client welfare, trustworthiness, rights and duties, dual relationships, preventing harm and duty of care to ensure a safe work environment. The ACA a broader range of responsibilities whereas they NAADAC code is more specific in its