In such a way, at Troy high school, in my Honor Biology class my boat was sailing smoothly and my efforts were enough to get A’s and stickers in Mrs. Chavez’s Honor Biology class. But the smooth sail didn’t last long enough and the hurdle came on my way as a “Bug Project.” The entire process was a nightmare; I can catch only two insects from each Order, for example, the households bugs ant, wasp, and bee are easy to spot and catch, they have same kingdom Animalia, same class Insecta, and have the same Order Hymenoptera, hence from Hymenoptera Order I can select only two insects. However, my assigned project was for twenty bugs and for that I have to select and learned ten Orders. And the process started; first of all, to spot bugs from their natural habitat, then take your picture along with it, though the Order Coleoptera’s beetles were easy to handle even though they were walking, but Order Odonata’s dragonflies were as hard as to amble bare feet at Alaskan Glaciers which really drained my entire energy to catch them and have a picture with it. Next step, to catch them live, put them into a jar and kill them with acetone. Still, it
In such a way, at Troy high school, in my Honor Biology class my boat was sailing smoothly and my efforts were enough to get A’s and stickers in Mrs. Chavez’s Honor Biology class. But the smooth sail didn’t last long enough and the hurdle came on my way as a “Bug Project.” The entire process was a nightmare; I can catch only two insects from each Order, for example, the households bugs ant, wasp, and bee are easy to spot and catch, they have same kingdom Animalia, same class Insecta, and have the same Order Hymenoptera, hence from Hymenoptera Order I can select only two insects. However, my assigned project was for twenty bugs and for that I have to select and learned ten Orders. And the process started; first of all, to spot bugs from their natural habitat, then take your picture along with it, though the Order Coleoptera’s beetles were easy to handle even though they were walking, but Order Odonata’s dragonflies were as hard as to amble bare feet at Alaskan Glaciers which really drained my entire energy to catch them and have a picture with it. Next step, to catch them live, put them into a jar and kill them with acetone. Still, it