This is one event in the book that shows how Lily is dealing with her mother’s death before she met the “calendar” sisters. This …show more content…
It was my plot of earth, my cubbyhole. (14).
This passage shows that Lily will sometimes lay in peace with her mother’s things which helps Lily cope with her mother’s death and to remember what her mother was. Lily is trying to hold onto her mother and is trying to know that her mother forgives her for what she did. One might notice that Lily is still holding on to the past and is struggling to let go to what already happened .This passage help shows the reader that Lily tries to hold in her emotions about her mother and won't let anyone in.
This passage shows how the calendar sisters, Lily and Rosaleen act like a family would on a hot day in South Carolina despite their racial differences in the 1960s. This passage is during a hot day in Tiburon, South Carolina and after August and Lily come back home after beekeeping they see May and Rosaleen in the sprinklers and join them and June soon joins in later on to show that they are a family.
She let and sprawled back on the grass in convulsions of laughter. I plopped down next to her and laughed,too. We could not stop. …show more content…
This passage shows that move on when it’s how tough it is for Lily to explain her mother's death because she has bottled it up inside her and now that she has told August, Lily is unsure of how August will treat this. This shows that they are a family because Lily trust August to tell her, her secret that has been torturing Lily for years. One will realize that this book has up and downs but a true family stays together and this passage shows that after Lily and August make it through the truth they will have a stronger bond that no one could break, not even Lily’s father in the end.
In this historical fiction novel book by Sue Monk Kidd, Secret Life of Bees shows that family is people who love you and stay with you through thick and thin, their the people you hold dearly to your hearts. This novel shows that through racism, love and beekeeping, you can form an unbreakable bond of friendship but more importantly a family. Lily was lost without her mother, but after a desperate attempt to have a life she goes to three crazy beekeeping sisters and found a family and at the least expected place Lily found a place where she