The Scarlet Ibis Can pride be a destructive force? In the story “The Scarlet Ibis”, the character Brother was convicted of killing his own younger brother, Doodle. Doodle had many problems. He couldn't get too hot, cold, wet, or tired. Now Brother was still just a kid, and evidence proves that he loved Doodle very much, and was innocent.…
"The Scarlet Ibis" depicts a young, crippled boy named Doodle. His lack of physical ability leaves him out of place. Brother pushes him to extents in order make him fit in. Brother does not accept Doodle's limitations and causes his death. Characters like Doodle…
The graveyards flowers bloom as they take their last sights of summer, while the oriole sings a dying song up in the bleeding tree. A grindstone turns and crumbles away at the time that was spent between the protagonist, Brother, and his younger sibling, Doodle. It is then that Brother remembers all the time they spent working through his condition. Brother also recalls what happened to Doodle, and how much he is to be held accountable for. In James Hurst’s short story “The Scarlet Ibis,” Brother is to blame for the cruelties done to Doodle; however, he is not totally at fault because his actions are out of love.…
The Scarlet Ibis is the story of two brothers and focuses on the conflict in their stormy Relationship. The younger brother, “Doodle” is physically disabled, and the narrator and older sibling “Brother” is embarrassed by Doodle’s disabilities. Brother’s emotions towards Doodle are conflicted; he loves Doodle, but he is also ashamed of him and pushes him past his breaking point teaching him to talk and walk. Brother’s pride is the real reason that he wants to teach Doodle and this pride is both wonderful and terrible at the same time. He treats him unfairly and without compassion at times, pulling him recklessly in the wagon (335), and walking too fast so that Doodle can not keep pace with him (340).…
Pride can be a very destructive force, and it was so destructive that it ended a child’s life. In James Hurst’s short story, “The Scarlet Ibis”, Brother is guilty of Doodle’s death because he is ashamed of Doodle, he was intentionally mean to Doodle, and he overworked Doodle. One reason Brother is guilty is that he is ashamed of Doodle. Brother has always been embarrassed of Doodle. He says, “I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk…”…
Brother had pride because he was the one who taught Doodle to walk, by hard work and patience. He said, "It was bad enough having an invalid brother, but having one who was possibly not all there was unbearable, so I began making plans to kill him by smothering him with a pillow" (345). Brother began feeling anger and remorse, because pride had a strong grip on him. The thought of living with someone who wasn’t normal, like himself, was an unthinkable notion. Then, he says, "They did not know that pride, whose slave I was, spoke to me louder than all their voices, and that Doodle only walked because I was ashamed of having an invalid brother" (347).…
In the short story, “The Scarlet Ibis,” James Hurst indirectly characterizes the narrator as prideful and sadistic through his thoughts and actions, to convey the idea that an excessive amount of pride causes someone to be deceitful, and act for their own personal gain at someone else’s cost. “The Scarlet Ibis” revolves around the narrator, recalling on his past memory of Doodle, his “invalid” younger sibling. The narrator longs for someone to run with, play with, and fight with; a brother to be proud of. However, the birth of a frail and severely disabled younger brother is a disappointment. When the narrator insists upon teaching Doodle how to walk, he slowly begins to feel proud of Doodle and his accomplishments.…
This shows that you shouldn’t let your cruelty and pride deprive you of your judgement because instead of helping his brother get back home safely, the narrator, out of cruelty, decides to run, leaving his brother far behind. After this act, the narrator returns to find his brother only to learn that Doodle had died. To conclude, the short story “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst proclaims the theme that you shouldn’t let your pride and cruelty deprive you of your…
When people are young, they do not fully understand their actions and emotions, but as they grow older, people begin to discover the purposes for their actions and the mistakes they made in their youth. In James Hurst’s “The Scarlet Ibis”, Brother retells the story of his cruelty to his brother Doodle. When he first found out that he was going to have a brother, the narrator was excited. However he was overcome with disappointed when his brother, Doodle, was born with a disability. He was ashamed of having a mentally challenged brother, because all he wanted was a “normal” brother to play with.…
The idea that Doodle is different continues to shame Brother. In fact, Brother is so ashamed that his actions cause suffering for Doodle. Brother abandons Doodle. Brother remembers, “The knowledge that Doodle’s and my plans had come to nothing was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened. I ran as fast as I could, leaving him far behind with a wall of rain dividing us” (353).…
The Scarlet Ibis Argument Essay Some people are selfish in such a way that they only affect themselves, but others’ selfishness can hurt those they care about. In the story, The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst, brother was one whose selfishness not only affected him, but everyone surrounding him, especially his brother, Doodle. Doodle was not like most kids, he had physical disabilities that were not hard to miss if one was looking at him. Brother didn’t want Doodle to be different, he wanted him to be a normal boy who ran, played sports and everything that he was not.…
He thinks he can never be proud unless Doodle is cured. “I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and dead.” shows readers the two sides to the author’s pride. His pride could have made him achieve his goals but it became harmful as he forgets about his end goal, to cure Doodle. His pride could have helped but it made him lose sight of what is most important, Doodle’s well…
In The Scarlet Ibis by James hurst, shows how the narrator's irresponsible actions have a harmful impact on Doodle. Responsibility is a big a thing and obviously the narrator does not have this aspect of life, clearly, this is why Doodle’s brother is the cause of Doodles…
“The Scarlet Ibis” is a book published in 1960 by James Hurst. It talks about a young boy, who’s aunt was pregnant, and delivered a boy who had problems from birth. They said that mentally, he might not be “all there”, but he was. The doctor said that he could not get too cold, too hot, cannot exert himself, or his heart would give up. This didn’t stop the narrator from having one of the best brothers ever, Doodle.…
The Scarlet Ibis Argumentative Essay In The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst the story suggests that the brother is guilty of Doodles death because he thought Doodle should die, he taught Doodle for his own selfish reasons, and he ignored the doctor’s warnings. For my first reason why I said the brother is guilty is because he thought that Doodle should die. The reason for why I said that is because on page 345 the brother said “I began to make plans to kill him by smothering him with a pillow.”…