Sandra Cisneros 'Abuelito Who'

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Nobody is youthful forever. People always change as they get older. Sometimes they get sick, lose their senses or can’t perform certain tasks as well as they used to be able to. One should enjoy life while one can because it won’t last forever. The folktale, “The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson” is about is about a very old grandfather who gets mistreated by his son and daughter in-law. The poem, “Abuelito Who” is about a granddaughter who is remembering the memories that she shared with her grandfather before he became too old to play with her. “ In the Russian folktale “The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson” retold by Leo Tolstoy and the poem, “Abuelito Who” by Sandra Cisneros a similar and significant theme is one should always enjoy life because one’s time here on this planet is limited.
In “The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson” it states, “... his eyes could not see.” This quote supports the theme because he used to be able to see very easily but it isn’t as easy anymore because of aging. In the folktale another quote that demonstrates the theme is, “He tried to move the bowl closer; it fell to the floor and broke.” This piece of evidence
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She is also trying to say that nobody ever sees the grandfather. One more quote that conveys the message is, “whose little eyes were string.” The author is trying to tell the reader metaphorically that all of the wrinkles around the grandfather's eyes look like pieces string. The grandfather probably didn’t have any wrinkles when he was younger, but wrinkles are normal at his age and are an indication that someone is getting older. Finally, a last quote that illustrates the theme is, “can’t come out to play.” The grandson is used to playing with his grandfather all the time. Since the grandfather is older he can’t do what he used to be able to do with his grandson, he just lays in

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