Theme Of Fatherhood In Salvage The Bones

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The roles of motherhood and fatherhood have been distinctly separated and distributed amongst the female and male respectively for as long as anyone can remember. Now it is clear that these roles and relationships don’t actually have to be gendered. After reading both Salvage the Bones and The Motel Life, I think one can safely say that the role of motherhood is not gendered. However, the role of fatherhood is. We see motherhood played by both male and female characters in both novels but the fatherhood role is only always played by a male. In these novels, we are given evidence that motherhood can in fact be played by both sexes, but it is not as evident that fatherhood can be played by both male and female. In this essay, I will give insight on how I came to this conclusion and why these relationships are the way …show more content…
Motherhood in Salvage the Bones is vicious, terrible, and at the same time glorious and apparent in many ways. Not only through female characters, but also male. Since the mother of the Baptiste children has passed away, there really isn’t a concrete mother figure present. Instead, it is shown through multiple

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