Around this time Bernard authored his first book called De Gradibus Superbiae et Humilitatis, and a few homilies which are commentaries on scripture. After this some monks from another abbey didn’t like it that Bernard’s religion was taking a lead role over the Roman Catholic church, so they attempted to make it seem like the rules of his new Order was impracticable. After this happened Bernard released an Apology and in the first part of it he proved himself innocent of the thing the monk were charging him with and in the second part he stated his reasons for his counterattacks. After this attack from the monks Bernard stated that he loved the Roman Catholic the same as anyone else and his Apology letter converted a lot of people. This outrage from the monks backfired on them. Then Bernard terminated his connection with the media of that time and restored order to his Monasteries. He then extended his religion to everyone and
Around this time Bernard authored his first book called De Gradibus Superbiae et Humilitatis, and a few homilies which are commentaries on scripture. After this some monks from another abbey didn’t like it that Bernard’s religion was taking a lead role over the Roman Catholic church, so they attempted to make it seem like the rules of his new Order was impracticable. After this happened Bernard released an Apology and in the first part of it he proved himself innocent of the thing the monk were charging him with and in the second part he stated his reasons for his counterattacks. After this attack from the monks Bernard stated that he loved the Roman Catholic the same as anyone else and his Apology letter converted a lot of people. This outrage from the monks backfired on them. Then Bernard terminated his connection with the media of that time and restored order to his Monasteries. He then extended his religion to everyone and