Rocky Balboa Competitive Individualism

Superior Essays
In this day and age, there are many common household names that everybody in the United States would recognize, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Peyton Manning, just to name a few. But there is one name that holds a dear place in most Americans hearts, Rocky Balboa. Rocky is often considered one of the greatest sports movies of all time for a number of reasons. Rocky, played by Sylvester Stallone, is introduced as a collector for one of Philadelphia’s many loan sharks, who also happens to have a passion for boxing.

The 1976 World Heavyweight Boxing Championship match is set to take place New Years Day in Philadelphia. However, the match between Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) and Mac Lee Green suddenly becomes jeopardized when Green drops out
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Competitive Individualism, in layman terms, is the belief that success comes from hard work, as well as natural talent. This supports the thought that the rich and powerful in society are where they are because of hard work and natural talent. So again, in theory the American Dream can be achieved by anybody if they put forth enough effort and hard work. Just as Rocky Balboa went form being a collector for a loan shark in Philadelphia, to all most winning the Heavyweight Boxing Championship of the World. Another aspect of this same point is the Open Mobility system in American society. Open Mobility is the ability to move freely between social classes in America. In the movie, Rocky went from the bottom to the top in a matter of months. In other societies, such as India or the Middle East, it is impossible for something like this to happen. Rocky Balboa is just another story of how we to can achieve the American Dream is we try hard enough and put in the work, sadly most of the time this is not the case. Even though the system of Open Mobility is real, it is extremely difficult to achieve. Very few of the hardest working and most talented American people will never achieve the famed “American

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