The simulation connects with civics because there are many problems and situations that need to be solved in modern time like droughts and poverty. One can have an idea of what the government and people need to do to solve a problem or conflict. The simulation made one think about how to solve the draught in the village as if they were in the simulation. It made one understand how the leader, diplomats and villagers need to work together to decide on a way to handle the draught by either building wells or searching for water. It also gave one the idea of how to solve a drought if it were to happen today by gathering the government, diplomats and citizens to carry out the solution. One can also see how sacrifices and war may be necessary in order to survive. …show more content…
The villagers have a voice in the problem by either disagreeing or agreeing in the decisions that the leader makes. I had to agree or disagree with some of the decisions that the leader wants to make to protect my rights and fellow villagers. We had to make decisions so the village can continue to develop. The villagers had to carry out the plans that the government wants to make like blocking off rivers and building wells.
The river simulation was an excellent way to introduce one to civics. One will have an idea and a better understanding of how the government and people work and how the roles and decisions can be vital in order to sustain a village or country. The simulation could have a little more time in the diplomacy phase so decisions can be made more