Rightful Resistance Summary

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In Kevin J. O’Brien’s article, Rightful Resistance, the methods of rightful resistance are described as resisting by using legal and non-violent means, exploiting promises made by political elites, and exerting political pressure. The article argues that rightful resistance is the ideal way to protest against the political elites, and attempt to gain new rights.
O’Brien begins his argument by first discussing popular resistance. He describes a sort of stereotypical view of popular resistance that includes uprisings of the poor against the elite. He uses this in contrast to rightful resistance, which is indeed a method the underprivileged may use, as it is non-violent. He then goes on to actually discuss rightful resistance and what is really
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Central policy of the Chinese government plays a key role in the resistance that has occurred in the rural areas of the country. The resistance is often the result of cadres (Politicians who exert significant power in many of the geographical divisions of China), who do not fulfill obligations that have been laid out by the central government. One example of rightful resistance in China that he cites is Chinese workers withholding their grain tax payment when they haven’t received the proper supplies and equipment that the government is required to provide to …show more content…
He states that in China there is a huge disparity between what is promised, and what is actually experienced by villagers in the rural areas. This would appear to be a major catalyst for rightful resistance. Not only does this make the government appear slightly less legitimate, it also creates opportunities for villagers to resist as they see flaws in how the government operates. The Chinese villagers are also compared to civil rights activists in the United States, who faced repression, and had extremely high stakes. On one hand the villagers could be very successful in their resistance, however on the other hand they could completely fail and end up being crushed

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