Rhetorical Analysis: The Man In The Arena

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105 years ago President Theodore Roosevelt spoke at the Sorbonne in the Grand Amphitheater at the University of Paris (Leadership Now - Leading Blog), the most studied center of learning in the country of Europe. Here he emphasized his belief that success rests on the quality of work and character a person is willing to apply to a problem or situation. What I would consider to be the most well-known component of this speech, expresses the standard by which Roosevelt judged himself and others. "The Man In The Arena" refers to learning by doing. As I've analyzed and studied this paragraph I have begun to see a correlation between what Roosevelt is saying and my outlook on high school. There are three major ideas that I would deem the most important …show more content…
We are all different and no one should be judged for being who they are, we all have a story that one can not see with the naked eye. "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out where the strong man stumbles where the doer of deeds could have done better". The one who denotes where the leader missteps or shows weakness is really the one who has stumbled. The one who is engulfed in a situation that requires patience, courage, and skill may be referred to as the "man in the arena", as opposed to the man who sits on the sideline and watches just to point out mistakes. The challenges that come with being a leader have their advantages and disadvantages. There will always be people out there who will point out our flaws. Who always asses the situation negatively before they give it a shot. They judge a book by its cover. "Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are"(unknown). As leaders we have to rise above negative thoughts and help to inspire others to make it a positive experience. The greatest reward is when I'm given the chance to change others negative perspectives into positive expressions and they are thankful for it. (I need help fragmenting this …show more content…
Leadership is not a position or title, it is action and example. Some prefer to lead by example.They tend to be more soft spoken and give their opinion when it is necessary or asked for. Others lead by their word. They're usually the first to take control of a situation and aren't afraid to share their opinion at any given time. That tends to be the category I fall under. The category I would consider to be the hardest to obtain is a the one who knows when to be a leader by example and when to be a leader by their word. They know when to step back and watch others take charge and how to be a the superior that inspires others to become a better. They only give their opinion if it will help fix a problem or situation and don't just blurt out the first thing that comes to their mind. They're patient in situations and build people up in a positive manor. I strive to be that leader. A leader gains the responsibility to overcome harsh criticisms not only pertaining to themselves but also to not criticize others working with them. A leader is one "who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and short coming". The credit belongs to the person who is up in front of others in an attempt to help them. Everyday, slowly but surely, I climb my way up the mountain of success in hopes that one day I can be a prime

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