Look around. Everywhere litter can be discovered. Highways, forests, even playgrounds. It can be assumed that the higher the population the higher the pollution. Many people are guilty of the common crime, whether they admit it or not. What does this say about the people who litter? Looking at the advertisement provided, it shows the extent of their laziness. All in the entire article happens to attack people who throw trash on the ground no matter the size, or location.
What might be the first thing one notices about the picture? Probably the Lays chip bag along with the Krazy glue packaging. Most people are familiar with these brands, so it gives them a sense of familiarity. Further analysis of the trash leads to the …show more content…
They are being negatively associated with being lethargic in hopes it will stop them from continuing the pollution of the city. All advertisements contain ethos, logos, and/or pathos. In this ad, it is clear that all three play a role. Pathos can be found in the quote “Littering says a lot about you.” It makes the reader feel guilt or remorse for littering. No one wants to be called lazy, so those who actually have littered may remember this in the future. Ethos is shown by providing the company coupled with city that founded the ad. The city of Toronto and Livegreen are pretty credible sources when littering is the topic at play. The city must have funded the ad after being sick of the trash around the city. Logos is applied because, logical thinking states that throwing on the trash on the ground goes against a person’s moral by damaging the environment, yet people continue to throw waste. They make the readers think of how easy it is not to litter, which makes them realize that the current “pandemic” can considered pointless as well as effortlessly avoidable. If everyone would throw their trash away in the right spots, these problems would not …show more content…
The asphalt turns into brick so it is most likely a walkway. Sidewalks are really common places to find trash because people actually use them a lot. Where there are a lot of people, stray trash can be stumbled upon. The ad is giving a shot at preventing this by making people realize the mistake furthermore (hopefully) making them obtain an urge in ceasing the existence of pollution in society. If they feel insulted every time the do it, they will be less likely in doing it again. They use the location to appeal to people as well. By showing sidewalks they could be targeting people who go on runs or walks or who use the tracks