In his inaugural speech, Kennedy uses personification to bring his audience together. "Now the trumpet summons us again- not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need", by saying this Kennedy insinuates that the American people should be united and should not succumb to hate and war, but …show more content…
By using this antimetabole, it brings attention to the call to action that Kennedy is displaying in his speech. These words encourage the audience to get rid of selfish thoughts in order to contribute to the U.S, doing this allows Kennedy to instill nationalism in the American citizens. Therefore, Kennedy makes people believe that even small deeds in helping the country will make a difference which will encourage more people to take responsibility and assist their country. This quote makes citizens want to follow and contribute to their country, which will, consequently, inspire the future generations to also have the same sense of loyalty to their country. He does this by implementing ethics by mentioning his title as newly elected