Rhetorical Analysis Of Ehrenreich's Serving In Florida

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Throughout “Serving in Florida,” Ehrenreich uses a variety of writing tools to lure her audience in. Ehrenreich tells her story of working a low paying job by going into detail, not only about herself, but about the ones she works with. She explains what it is like to work a low paying job and illustrates how much of a struggle it is to pay for meals, gas and rent. Ehrenreich includes pathos, ethos and logos to draw in and maintain her audience's attention throughout the entire story.
She used pathos the most in her writing by making the audience feel emotionally involved. Ehrenreich went into detail on how she felt working in the lower class. She explained how it was hard to pay for rent, food or gas. It made the audience realize how hard
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Throughout Ehrenreich’s writing, she is very knowledgable of what she is discussing. The audience can tell that Ehrenreich has done her research on the lower class because she speaks with confidence throughout her writing to inform her readers of what she has discovered. She also gave plenty of examples of how the people she worked with felt. She explained how many struggles and hardships they went through, which made the audience become informed on how hard life could be in the lower class of America.
Lastly, she used logos throughout her writing. Logos appeal logic to the audience and focus on the facts. Ehrenreich explains experiences she went through while working in the lower class and provides facts for the audience on what she went through. Throughout her writing, she is persuading her audience to not have a of a low paying job for their entire life because it can be so much better if you go to college and get a real job.
Ehrenreich does a great job of using ethos, logos and pathos to gain her audience's attention throughout her writing. She makes the readers feel emotionally and physically involved, which is a great attribute to a writer. As a person reads “Serving in Florida,” it makes them realize how hard life could be with an income too low to pay for everyday life

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