Rhetorical Analysis Of A Columnist By Anne Applebaum

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Columnist, Anne Applebaum, uses her writing as a platform for change. She targets several governments to establish her belief in reform, and makes a point in educating the public on their tactics. Applebaum effectively conveys her political opinions through various rhetorical strategies, organization techniques, and consistent diction.
Pathos in her columns allows the audience to emotionally connect with the work and her point of view, rather than feel like they are reading a strictly objective piece. This was evident in her column, In Europe, Political Parties would rather stay out of power. Her use of phrases like “knifed in the back” establish how sudden Merkel’s political career failed, and others like “…last hope of the west” establish the country’s desperate need for stability. These quotes
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In this column, Applebaum asks, “Is this what working-class Americans really wanted when they voted for an “anti-elitist”?” and “Is this what the Midwest meant when it cheered calls to “drain the swamp”?. Her questions serve as support for claims of corruption in the U.S government, as well as questioning the true motives of voters who elected him. Rhetorical questions are also used in The nerve agent attack on British soil has exposed London’s isolation. In regards to her claim that Britain can not provide any threatening actions to scare away the Russians, she asks if they are going to “Bar some more senior Russians politicians from Britain?” or “Boycott the soccer World Cup?”. These portray the weak defensive actions she expects and concludes that Russia nor any other countries will care about exclusions and Britain’s non- participation. This is largely due to Britain’s exit from the European Union, which cut ties with their allies. Applebaum also effectively conveyed her points through her tone. Most of her columns expressed a critical tone and served to ridicule either the public or the government for causing the situation. This strengthens her

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