In the Chinese society discussed in “Introduction to the Special Section: Emerging Adulthood Around the World” it is said that with Confucian communism it played a major religious guideline for social events where as I cannot relate to a communist society. In India arranged marriage is something you see a lot in their culture where the parents choose the husband for the wife. Some say they agree with it because it is a part of tradition and they trust their mom’s decision because they know what is best for them. Others feel like love marriage is better because you get to know the person and truly have a connection with them than it being a complete stranger. My own relationship norms and experiences is all based on love marriages, arranged marriage is not at all a part of the question. In my Hispanic culture it is expected for you to find someone of a good family, get married and move out to raise a family of your own. When it comes to mate selection in China and India, chastity was seen as more desirable in a potential mate while in my norms it is not necessary. Consistent Norms On the other hand, there are some similarities from my culture group to others besides love marriages. Supporting ones’ parents is a similarity from other cultures to mine. The Chinese main component of the Confucian family
In the Chinese society discussed in “Introduction to the Special Section: Emerging Adulthood Around the World” it is said that with Confucian communism it played a major religious guideline for social events where as I cannot relate to a communist society. In India arranged marriage is something you see a lot in their culture where the parents choose the husband for the wife. Some say they agree with it because it is a part of tradition and they trust their mom’s decision because they know what is best for them. Others feel like love marriage is better because you get to know the person and truly have a connection with them than it being a complete stranger. My own relationship norms and experiences is all based on love marriages, arranged marriage is not at all a part of the question. In my Hispanic culture it is expected for you to find someone of a good family, get married and move out to raise a family of your own. When it comes to mate selection in China and India, chastity was seen as more desirable in a potential mate while in my norms it is not necessary. Consistent Norms On the other hand, there are some similarities from my culture group to others besides love marriages. Supporting ones’ parents is a similarity from other cultures to mine. The Chinese main component of the Confucian family