The client was oriented x 3. Tyler actively participated in group. He was observed nodding his head to other group members responses. Additionally, he offered suggestions to another group member who is contemplating leaving treatment. He talked about his experiences and how he wants to make a difference in his life.
The client was oriented x 3. Paul actively participated in group. He shared his experience with his recent relapse with the group and denied he had a plan. Paul was educated on the stages of a relapse and the process he took that led up to his reoccurrence. Throughout the session, he was provided with scenarios and examples on what to look for in order to prevent another relapse. …show more content…
Lawrence actively participated in group. He expressed his desire to relapse and indicated he have planned his relapse. The facilitator provided him with examples of consequences of his relapse and how to work on changing his negative thoughts. Throughout the session the client was offered suggestions from other group members and gave examples of their experiences when they relapsed.
The client appeared to be lethargic as he was observed nodding off at times and unable to stay awake. However he read a poem he wrote to the group related to his feelings about his DOC. He was encouraged to write a poem that would show his disconnection from his DOC.
The client was oriented x 3. Christopher actively participated in the group discussion. He indicated he did not have a problem with substance use, but encouraged the other group members to remain focus. Throughout the session, he was educated on the different types of relapses and coping mechanism