In the process of obtaining healthy goals that surpass abstinence the client must develop a plan that incorporates an educational approach to relapse. Not every client is a carbon copy of another and there for must be approached with a degree of honest self-assessment in order to identify contextual differences that may affect the overall success of the client. Relapse prevention begins with the process of treatment as it is structured, the contextual changes presented in social structures, and the models used in relapse prevention.
Proper planning begins the process of change necessary for recovery, and addresses the expected deterioration of change many will experience. This plan cannot meet proper success without first stabilization found in abstinence from all mind-altering substances, in other words the time has come to take the reins back. Proper assessment can help both the client and therapist to see patterns of addictive behavior through a historical approach. Discovering triggers to addictive behavior, relapse history, and attempts of recovery can provide an extensive list of avoidable …show more content…
The client’s commitment to recovery must be first met with abstinence in order for proper treatment to be rendered. Assessing individual patterns can establish proper points of focus and create a goal-oriented plan to change unhealthy behavior. Therapeutic approaches must be adaptive to the social, environmental, and cultural differences that may be present. Continued education of what high-risk, social, and belief systems that may trigger a relapse process can further habitual changes through continued practice. Understanding that addiction is a disease of isolation, a key change that is universal is the formation of community that supports continued recovery. Yet the individual must become efficient in regulating self, in hopes that that community will fill the role of support as recovery is an inside