Understanding Addiction Case Study

Decent Essays
Group topic: Understanding Addiction
PO attended group on time and moderately participated in the group activities. PO learned the definition of addiction, the addiction process, and the different types of substance(s) withdrawal symptoms. PO shared his substance use experience with peers, and identified reasons to stay clean and sober. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, which indicated he attended 2 sober meetings last week. Verification was provided.
Group topic: Understanding Addiction
PO attended group on time and moderately participated in the group activities. PO learned the definition of addiction, the addiction process, and the different types of substance(s) withdrawal symptoms. PO shared his substance
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PO learned the definition of addiction, the addiction process, and the different types of substance(s) withdrawal symptoms. PO shared his substance use experience with peers, and identified reasons to stay clean and sober. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, which indicated he did not attend any sober meeting last week. Stated that he was “busy working”, and that he “didn’t have time to go”. The importance to comply with the treatment recommendations was reviewed and enforced.
Group topic: Understanding Addiction
PO attended group on time and moderately participated in the group activities. PO learned the definition of addiction, the addiction process, and the different types of substance(s) withdrawal symptoms. PO shared his substance use experience with peers, and identified reasons to stay clean and sober. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, which indicated he attended one sober meeting last week. Verification was not provided. Stated that he will go to more meetings when work is not “too busy”. The importance to comply with the treatment recommendations was reviewed and

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