To look at the world sociologically, would mean to look at societies and how people within it interact corresponding with the norms. In the article Invitation to Sociology written by Peter L. Berger he talks about the different interactions between people that the particular individual interested in this field would study. The topics of interest may vary, such as studying the interaction between genders or inequalities as well; his examples were seeing the interaction between employees working as a team and young children playing …show more content…
Now let’s switch over to the sociological view and the sociological imagination of sexuality and gender. In The Way We Weren’t: The Myth and Reality of the “Traditional” Family we see how it begins by stating the stereotypes and the norms that an American family used to follow, by having the male be the one who worked and brought money into the family and the woman was the one who stayed home taking care of the children. This use to be the norm that society followed, making males the dominant working sex and female’s inferior by having them do house work and take care of children; but as the years progressed so did we. This has benefited society because not only has it created more jobs but also allowed women to run for office which before would have never even been asked