They were all started and spurred forward by the fear of anarchists, communists, and socialists, people were terrified that communism would overthrow the American government. The Red Scare was the anti-radical hysteria that radicals were attempting to start a revolution in the United States. Anti-unionism was also spurred by communism as they believed that the strikes and protests were the beginning of revolt. The Palmer Raids were started by this very fear, and this fear was so strong that they began to raid and attack establishments owned by immigrants, but instead of giving these immigrants a trial as they should have done, they deported them while they could have been innocent. The fear of communism was what led these raids to be executed in such a harsh and unforgiving manner, it led to the deportation of hundreds of immigrants some of which were innocent but judged regardless by their political beliefs rather than if they committed the crime or not. This also relates to the court case, Sacco and Vanzetti, these two men were denied a retrial, judged for a crime that they almost certainly did not commit, and then executed. People said that they were guilty because of the evidence, but they were most certainly convicted because of their political beliefs rather than actual evidence. Fear of communism and these men's political beliefs were the reason that they were executed, not because they actually guilty of committing a
They were all started and spurred forward by the fear of anarchists, communists, and socialists, people were terrified that communism would overthrow the American government. The Red Scare was the anti-radical hysteria that radicals were attempting to start a revolution in the United States. Anti-unionism was also spurred by communism as they believed that the strikes and protests were the beginning of revolt. The Palmer Raids were started by this very fear, and this fear was so strong that they began to raid and attack establishments owned by immigrants, but instead of giving these immigrants a trial as they should have done, they deported them while they could have been innocent. The fear of communism was what led these raids to be executed in such a harsh and unforgiving manner, it led to the deportation of hundreds of immigrants some of which were innocent but judged regardless by their political beliefs rather than if they committed the crime or not. This also relates to the court case, Sacco and Vanzetti, these two men were denied a retrial, judged for a crime that they almost certainly did not commit, and then executed. People said that they were guilty because of the evidence, but they were most certainly convicted because of their political beliefs rather than actual evidence. Fear of communism and these men's political beliefs were the reason that they were executed, not because they actually guilty of committing a