Tom Robinson is a victim of racism, and he characterized by what people say about him. A white man accused him of raping a white woman, so many people see him as a monster and don’t even want to hear any evidence of his innocence. He was arrested, even after Atticus showed them a proof that Tom could not do anything bad to this woman, because he is disabled. However, it was not enough for people to stop judging Tom because of his skin colour. Therefore, after the trial, white people shoot him seventeen times as a dog. They could shot one time and it would be enough to kill him, however, they wanted their revenge, but he did nothing bad. It is very sad, because our real world is not perfect too. If some people see a person, who is very different from them, and if would happen something bad, they will think that this person did it. For example, if something explodes, everybody will think that Muslim person did it, and he is scary and horrible, no matter what is the truth, he is bad. Tom died only because of his skin colour, and showed us how some people do not get their chance to live in …show more content…
Maycomb people gossip about him, because his father decides to keep Boo at home. He had never hurt anybody, it is his life, but people still want to gossip and make an urban legend about him. They say that he is a murder, not even a real human and dangerous person at all. They also say that he walks down the street every night and scratches on their windows. Moreover, they think that he hurts his parents, sit on the sofa and cuts newspapers with a pair of very sharp scissors with blood on it, because he stabbed his father in the leg. There are many stories, but no evidence. It is very interesting, because I meet such a prejudice in my life every day. Many people do not know a person, but they want to, so they start to listen different opinions and rumours, collect these pieces and that is how a gossiping creates. For example, when a boy talk to a girl, and she says that she has a boyfriend and she does not need this boy as a friend, a boy starts to create the wrong opinion. He thinks that she is a rude person, and very bad, but the truth is that she does not want to open her life for him. She has a right of privacy. Thus, people hate Boo for not coming out of his house, and they do not understand that it is his own