One can listen to any conservative talk radio show and hear the stereotypes assigned to members of minority groups. African Americans are stereotyped by seen as wanting to live off the government and draw a monthly check. They are also seen as more dangerous and more likely to be involved in a violent gang and sell drugs. Hispanics are stereotyped as ‘illegal’ due to their undocumented immigration status. This leads them to being seen as dirty by some in the majority. They are seen as willing to work for low wages since they are not documented workers in the United States. They are also seen as coming to the United States to earn American dollars to send back to Mexico. While this is so many support large extended families in Mexico and many end up bringing their families here. Native Americans are stereotyped as being alcoholics and as savages. They are viewed by some as being uneducated and not wanting to work. Asian Americans are the most accepted minority group, partly because they are seen by the majority as the ‘model minority’ (McNamara & Burns, 2009). Asian Americans are stereotyped as hard-working, successful and educated. These lead to them being more accepted into the culture of the majority. Asian Americans also tend to be family oriented and respect of authority which serves them well in encounters with police and the criminal justice system. Stereotypes contribute to the sentencing by both judges and juries. Studies have shown that African
One can listen to any conservative talk radio show and hear the stereotypes assigned to members of minority groups. African Americans are stereotyped by seen as wanting to live off the government and draw a monthly check. They are also seen as more dangerous and more likely to be involved in a violent gang and sell drugs. Hispanics are stereotyped as ‘illegal’ due to their undocumented immigration status. This leads them to being seen as dirty by some in the majority. They are seen as willing to work for low wages since they are not documented workers in the United States. They are also seen as coming to the United States to earn American dollars to send back to Mexico. While this is so many support large extended families in Mexico and many end up bringing their families here. Native Americans are stereotyped as being alcoholics and as savages. They are viewed by some as being uneducated and not wanting to work. Asian Americans are the most accepted minority group, partly because they are seen by the majority as the ‘model minority’ (McNamara & Burns, 2009). Asian Americans are stereotyped as hard-working, successful and educated. These lead to them being more accepted into the culture of the majority. Asian Americans also tend to be family oriented and respect of authority which serves them well in encounters with police and the criminal justice system. Stereotypes contribute to the sentencing by both judges and juries. Studies have shown that African