The white government saw people of colour as an inferior race whose interests were to be disregarded. The apartheid government had already decided to introduce Bantustans through the Bantu Homelands Citizens Act No 26, there were ten: Transkei, Venda, Ciskei, Bophuthatswana, KwaZulu, KwaNgwane, KwaNdebele, Lebowa, Qwaqwa and Gazankulu, these were ghetto settlements outside of the city that were made to segregate different races and were called homelands, getting people there was through forced removals. These ghetto settlements usually had inadequate housing for large families, the rent was high and councilors in this area were corrupt, the situations were not ideal living conditions desirable to any human being, “the cost of a parallel economic dismantling would be too great and that the economic integration of these diverse peoples…” (Lipton, 1972, p.9), this quote is what the regime used to describe that the homelands were developed as a way to protect Africans in an era of white conquest and that integration was not feasible. The apartheid government did not know, or did not care to know that they were creating broken homes as parents would have to travel out of the homelands into the city for work, men were most affected, usually being sent to work in the …show more content…
The apartheid government was able to formalize their racial hatred and segregation in a systemic way of laws which included more than 10 new laws, one law that had been around for a while already were the pass laws. In 1952 the NP made a stricter ruling by saying all African males over the age of 16 had to carry a “reference” book also known as a Dompas, this book had employment records and personal information, finding work was hard for blacks so they usually broke this law in order to be able to provide for their families resulting in arrests, fines and harassment by police. The pass laws led to numerous arrests, by the time pass laws were repealed in 1986, they were more than 17 million arrests, showing how the laws were met with just as much resistance from those they